YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!OUTING WITH OBOLO FRIENDS.......first stopTeo Heng KTVFrom 1-7pm ( each per $ good )Me, Genie and Ashley reach first... 2.30pm-WANSHIN 3.30pm-HUI XIAN 4.00pm-SU WEI 4.30pm-SHERLY Take alot alot of photos   (nice cookies from genie)   (ashley n genie)   (i like this pic) sing song gossips take photos (su wei n hui xian)
 (ashley n genie) (hui xian n wanshin)  WANSHIN-jay chou fans + rapper queen HUI XIAN-a-mei fans + singing queen SU WEI-slow sweet singing queen SHERLY-hokkien + high fun queen GENIE-canton + english singing queen ASHLEY-canton singing queen GROUP PHOTOS...
 (FUNNY FACE)  (ahhhh)  SECOND STOPdinner at FISH N CO.. (wanshin not joining cause exam tml!!! all the best ya!!) before reaching we saw rainbow everyone taking photo of it...haha is been a long time since i saw one!!  YEAH MY FIRST TIME IN FISH N CO...  take photos again!! haha (sheryl genie hui xian)
(ashley su wei me)  (fishy)  order two giant drinks!!    OMG SO MANY SAUCES!!!! I like the butter lemon sauce yum yum!!!
  (busy eating..yum yum!!)  group photo at fish n co FINALLY STOPCOFFEE BEAN!! ME N SHERYL are carving for cake!! (su wei not joining cause meet friends) genie hui xian n ashley is too full to have another bite at last both of us share a warm mud pie and is super nice!! YEAH BABY!!  5 of us talk abt pest,customer,shop.... gossip here n there until all shop in PP is CLOSED!!! reach home abt 10plus I LOVE YOU GIRLS!!!! IS GREAT GREAT OUTING WITH YOU ALL!!!! THANKS GIRLS FOR THE FUN N LAUGHTER WE HAVE we will plan to go out again ok!!! muhahaha
more photo in facebook!!!