yeah yeah yeah
RP FIRST GAKUSEN EVENT ON LAST THR, FRI AND SAT...happy happy there is cosplay on sat also!!!!
have a lot of fun playing and running around the school..
photos photos PHOTOS!!!!

dear come to sch also and we look so alike (clothes)
we both black black de!!!

bon as L... SO COOL

breda in lolita goth.. so cute!!

people from comics IG too... chio la.. XD

going to head bead tze yan if she dun draw yaoi!!! haha

casper is one of the 'ghost' in hunted house!! haha

LULU and friends... O.o cute cute

xi wen and i acting... WE ARE LIKE CRAZY!!!

akina and i acting rock star!!! haha
(a bit too bright)

tze yan in jap clothes.. so kawaii..
she also trying to seduce me.....
YES YES!!! ME CAN HAHA..(blush) =^^=

kai and akina singing... so sweet!!! *HUGS ALL*

many many meeting
many many work out
JCIG have our first event!!
sad i do not dare to go to hunted house..
i'm super happy also because there are photographer take my photo with dear and also breda...
then when i'm going home... farewelling with my friends..
dear suddenly lost.. i'm so worried cause my phone is with him...
REASON: photographer bring him to one corner to take photo... 0.0
WIN LE LO.. happy le lo.. haha..
actually.. photograper also take pic of me and dear when we are sitting down and talking..
haha.. so super happy!!! XD XD XD....
O BTW... i feel my hair is crap on tat day haha...
xi wen also call mi to be like SM queen!! OMG..
HAHA.. (^-^)
HUG HUG TO ALL MY JCIG MEMBER AND ALSO THE PPL WHO SUPPORT!!!thanks guys * kisses *still busy with reflection and sch days..
going home almost 11 plus everyday...
pon sch and going late for sch..
Friday when to sch at 2pm lo.. (just to listen 6p)
can't really remember what i do in class but i hope i can pass..
CRAZY OVER JAP SONGS anime jpop jrock!!!!and YAOI!!!! BLs ROCKS...i now realize the other side of my dear... high high high!!!i love my dear so so much!!! *big kiss* STILL CRAZY OVER YOU!! u know y..